
4/24 怪獸話畫。與創作者對話活動 - 出席成員調查 Attedance Survey

4/24 (日)下午2:30,怪獸話畫活動即將展開,此為怪獸-洪啟堯創作個展的系列活動二。當日將會請創作家啟堯,談談他畫怪獸的心路歷程,也分享在畫作中的想法與思緒,歡迎您扶老攜幼,左右鄰居都一起邀請來,和我們一起認識怪獸、接近怪獸。

The solo exibition of Monster and Beast is going to invite the artist to share his thoughts of the serial works he has presented this time. This will be hold on 4/24, Sunday from 14:30 to 15:30, Taiwan Time. Welcome you and your family take this chance to explore more about the Monster and to get a close...
r look to the Beast. (If you need an online access, please feel free to name it, we will do our best to make it happen.)


We will also need volenteers for the activity and recorded info. (filming, photographying, hosting, translating videos or articles English, Spanish,German or other languages) If you are willing to devote your precious time to this art interaction activity, please mark it in your reply and we will contact you for furthering discussion....

Thank you Very very much~

i。Ciami,策展執行團隊,先在此由衷的感謝您的寶貴時間與關心,若您願意參與志工人力,非常衷心的謝謝您無私的付出。Here, send our sincerely appreciation to your willingness of sharing the time for helping others toward their dream.
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best regards
nakashima kenchi

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